About Us

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We are InstaTrack



Insta Track is a Liberian owned company founded May of 2021 by Fortune Ventures Incorporated with a vision of maximizing security in moving vehicles, using the latest technology. Our aim is to Provide sophisticated real time information on moving vehicles, strengthen risk management, help companies, families or an individuals to monitor their over all vehicle performances. which include( The acceleration, mileage, Fuel or Petrol usage, stopping point and time, picking up point and time, and giving vehicle owners the leverage to stop and start their vehicle in their absence were ever the deem necessary).


With all of the ongoing problems in the automotive sector in Africa, our mission is to provide our clients the best automotive services the is so as to conquer the ongoing problems faced with vehicle management, theft etc....


our vision is to find an instant relief solution for our clients by providing a real time tracking/monitoring device that helps users track their fleet and keep track of the data at the same time.

Our Team

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Hakeem Feika

Managing Director
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Chief Business Strategist